Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ten Ways to Be Kind to Wildlife

l) Preserve their habitat - forests, streams, wetlands etc.

2) Create new habitat for them. Plant trees and native plants. Have water for them.

3) Don't go near their nests, or they may abandon their young.

4) Use binoculars or telescopic lenses to avoid disturbing them.

5) Have a birdfeeder in the winter and keep it refilled with birdseed and regularly cleaned.

6) Help any injured birds or animals to become well again. (Learn how first.)

7) Donate money or land to charitable organizations which help wildlife.

8) Teach others, including children, to appreciate wildlife species.

9) Don't have things which could harm them, such as pesticides or large windows which birds could fly into.

10) Become politically active in protecting nature and/or join a naturalist group.

Natureontario.blogspot.com is my Earth Blogsite. You can also view my Sky Blogsite, which is astrologyinspiration.blogspot.com.

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