Monday, September 29, 2008

Ideas for New Eco-Products

More items would be recycled if people could think of creative uses for them. In fact, there used to be an environmental group in the Toronto Annex in which the members would get together to come up with new uses for things they were ready to throw out.

Here is one idea which a friend of mine thought of: Make eco-planting pots out of crushed, organic materials, such as carrot peelings, to grow carrots. A plant would come in the pot, and you would simply set it out in the garden. You would not have to transplant it, because the pot would become the exact kind of nourishment which the plant would need.

Another idea would be to have eco-labels to put on containers which have commercial-looking labels. You would be more likely to recycle the container if you could put a label on it with a nice picture of a flower or bird and an uplifting message. The message could be information about the flower or bird, and people could read the messages and learn about them, for example, at the breakfast table.

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