Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Nature in the Bible

The Book of Genesis begins with the story of creation - the creation of wildlife habitat, then the creation of all of nature's plants and creatures, and finally the creation of human beings in God's image. Since we were created in God's image, we are obviously meant to create and protect wildlife habitat too - as well as to support all forms of life. We are earthly stewards of God's creation.

Noah was a great conservationist. He constructed a very large boat, so that he, his relatives, and every kind of animal and bird could survive the great flood.

There are many quotations throughout the Bible which uphold the value of nature and the need to be kind to nature's creatures. Here are some examples:

"If you happen to see your enemy's cow or donkey run loose, take it back to him. If his donkey has fallen under its load, help him get the donkey to its feet again; don't just walk off." (Exodus 23:4-5)

"Work six days a week, but do not work on the seventh day, so that...even your animals can rest." (Exodus 23:12)

"A good man takes care of his animals, but wicked men are cruel to theirs." (Proverbs 12:10)

"Jesus said "For only a penny, you can buy two sparrows, yet not one sparrow falls to the ground without your Father's consent." (Matthew 10:29)

Note: You are encouraged to explore how your own religion supports life, nature and conservation.

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